March 28, 2011 -- Feedback from Mr. Poling


Your mid-March entries are solid.

I appreciate your thoughts on Trish, your mentor. It is great to hear that you are getting the most out of that relationship. I know she enjoys working with you too. She has told me several times!

Your photo shoot with the AAU class sounds like it was well planned and very enjoyable. You are fortunate to have such a great group to work with. I’m still interested to hear your thoughts on group work and collaboration. Perhaps you can reflect on some of those questions I asked last time about collaboration in the design world. I really enjoyed the tree photos you included. Can you give us some details about the assignment you and your classmates were working on? Do you feel you accomplished what you needed to? Let us know what sort of feedback you and your group get from the teacher?

Similarly, your visit to the Legion of Honor Pulp Fiction exhibit really seemed to light you up (despite the traffic/ tardiness woes). What a treat to share that extraordinary exhibit with Danielle. Again, I love the pictures, but what exactly is each picture? Can you provide some captions for each and even some explanations/ quotations from the exhibit program? What did you learn about fashion, creativity, or working with paper from viewing these 60+ recreations?

In your last paragraph (3/17) I felt the joy you expressed about being alone and taking in the museum and the city, as well as your growing comfort with finding your own way in life.

I wish you fewer late arrivals and more growth experiences in the weeks to come.

Mr. Poling

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