March 25, 2011

            This week I got a chance to implement the inspiration of last weeks museum visit. Because Danielle was gone, she asked me to create a collage illustrating how art has influenced fashion during the last 100 years. I was ecstatic to read the assignment because I had just started to read a book detailing the history of American fashion and now this collage seamlessly combined with my new knowledge of the history of fashion. As I began my research however, I realized I had no clue where to begin. Having not to great a knowledge of historic artist, I felt the best path to take would be to enter ‘art inspired fashion’ into Google. First I found a woman who had designed a line of jewelry directly inspired by a famous piece of artwork, like Van Gogh’s Starry Night or Georgia O’Keefe’s Pink Tulip. Next I learned that Louis Vuitton, in collaboration with a Japanese anime artist, had created two cartoon movies and then fashion lines relating to the images in the movie. As I began to run out of articles already written on the subject, I decided to start researching art and architecture styles of each decade. After identifying the key characteristics of these styles, I searched for fashions of the same decade that reflected these styles.
            As I discovered these links between illustrated art, architecture, movies, etc., everything around me began to change into fashion ideas waiting to come to life. I was amazed at how much this small realization had opened up my vision and I became fascinated by these art and fashion connections.
            After printing out 20+ images of works of art and their corresponding piece of clothing, I began to formulate my ideas for how I would present a collage. I fantasized about creating my own outfit that paralleled a work of art I had recently created in my schools art class, but found time to be quite suppressive of such ideas. I knew, however, that I could not have a plain and simple background for a collage that was built on art and creativity, so I began to place colored paper strategically on my board to create an abstract background. Finally I was able to place my images together and 3 glue sticks and 30 pieces of paper later, I had a completed collage.
            As I write about this assignment, I notice one thing that really irks me; my use of paper. I think sustainable fashion is quickly catching on, but I wonder what I can do here at home to contribute to the ‘green’ effort. I began to think of how this collage could have been done without the use of so much paper, but while still having the same visual effect. What makes a collage so appealing to fashion industry personal is that it is portable and appears exactly the same to everyone. So is it possible to create one on the computer? But this would be difficult for many people to view at one time because of the small size and could be viewed differently on different devices. I haven’t figured out what the best answer is, but I would like to continue my thoughts on this and if Danielle gives me another collage assignment, I will ask if I can do it on a computer instead of on paper.

Working on my collage and my final presentation for my AAU class all at the same time!!!

The completed work :)

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